Cultivating a business collective without borders.

Empowering entrepreneurs


No Borders helps to remove societal and economic borders for refugees, immigrants and underserved communities by equipping them with fundamental financial literacy, business skills and facilitating capital so that they can flourish in and for Houston.


Financial Literacy

Personal financial competence is key to delivering on a successful business as an entrepreneur. No Borders has the goal of ensuring each entrepreneur achieves personal ownership in appreciable assets and the financial margin to be personally generous.

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Business Plan Development

We engage the business planning process with tools that help the client articulate the vision along with detailed profit and loss (P&L) analysis. Determination of start-up capital and loan amortization is included along with marketing strategy and plans.


Capital Support

No Borders clients are encouraged to fund start-up organically when possible. In some cases, start-up capital is required to fund business equipment, lease start-up, inventory, etc. No Borders helps support some micro-funding and access to loans for qualified clients.


Launch Coaching

We work with clients to pilot the business with as little risk as possible, then to continuously learn and make modifications. No Borders coaches continue to guide and mentor the entrepreneurs until the start-up note is repaid..

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“No Borders took the
borders off of everything
for my business.”

— Charles Taylor, Taylor-Made Auto Service